We took Persephone in to Xy’s school to visit some of Xy’s students. As she predicted, it was a mob scene. I’ve posted the pix…
Pronounce the dot.
We took Persephone in to Xy’s school to visit some of Xy’s students. As she predicted, it was a mob scene. I’ve posted the pix…
Workers of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains! On this May Day I salute my father-in-law Michael Paxson. He is…
Dear Persephone, People kept telling me we should “enjoy this time” with you. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this advice. A couple…
I don’t know if there’s a name for this style of infant apparel. We call them “ghosties.” Here’s Persephone in her favorite ghostie.
April 15th is shaping up to be one of my favorite days of the year. Taxes are due, which is a drag, but so what?…
Satan should be her name To me they’re bout the same Ha! Just kidding, Susie. Though I love to tease her with the lyrics to…
When we tally up the list of people who’d helped us out or given us stuff recently, it’s quite impressive. More than sixty. I didn’t…
I’m sick as a dog. Barely able to think coherently. No snot, no congestion, just a fever, with attendant chills and sweats and borderline delirium.…
Whenever people see her, they invariable make two remarks: She looks like me. She’s cute. It doesn’t take a logician to leap to the obvious…
Persephone weighed in yesterday at 7 lbs, 5 oz. That means she gained 22 oz. in 12 days. The doctor congratulated Xy on getting off…
Today’s my mom’s 70th birthday. I usually call her on the telephone but I can’t because right now she’s in Cambodia, part of a short-term…
So you thought Story #28 was the final chapter in our renovation saga? Not quite. Check today’s Times-Picayune for installment #29, the final final chapter. Check the online version for cute pix by Kathy Anderson.
Xy has had a trio of weird dreams over the last couple nights. In the first, she dropped our girl three times in a row,…
We got the receipt from Tulane University Hospital & Clinic’s Healthcare Payment System. For the record, we racked up $2,484.00 in room charges (two nights’…
Today her umbilical stump fell off. To celebrate, we made a pilgrimage to Bayou St. John. She’s definitely growing. Her loose folds of skin are…
Keep N It Real Social & Pleasure Club was in our neighborhood today. It ended just two blocks from our house. Actually we missed the…
Persephone had her first social outing today. I didn’t even know there was a Louisiana Derby but apparently there is. So we went to a…
From our friend MF in China comes the following awesome weirdness: It’s a hand-embroidered bib with a gun that says “poop” on it. No, I…
We took the girl in for her second appointment with the pediatrician this morning. She weighed in at 5 lbs. 15 oz., up five ounces…
The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guarantees we can take twelve weeks off from work to have a baby or care for a sick…