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  1. It was probably supposed to say “Pop”.

    It reminds of one of my favorite mangled-English t-shirt slogans from China: “We can to communicate. ALL THE WORLD IS COCORABBIT.”


  2. You know, you always think you’re not going to need a poop bib, but it’s actually kind of amazing how it gets around when an infant is involved.

    I think it depicts somebody leading a Poop Parade and they are just taking a rest and lowering their banner.

    Best baby accessory ever!

  3. Andrea Andrea

    I think that it is Casper the friendly ghost wearing a babushka, and looking to scare the poop right outta yer baby.

  4. hongtairei hongtairei

    my god…it’s bart…we have something to send too. it’s not poop, but it is asian…i remember salcedo street, but what’s the house number and zip code??

  5. hongtairei hongtairei

    we have something to send too. it’s not poop, but it is asian…i remember salcedo street, but what’s the house number and zip code??

  6. MF MF

    It was a one-of-a-kind, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to duplicate it — I’m glad everyone liked it though. The character on it is one of the Diaper Gang from the super vulgar Korean animae AACHI & SSIPAK. I put the poop banner in the gun because I thougth that made it a little more festive.

    Did the hammer and sickle one get there too?

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