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Announcing Earth Eclectic

I’m beyond thrilled, pumped, excited, and delighted, to announce the premiere of a new radio series.

Earth Eclectic: new music that celebrates Gaia

We’re calling it the Earth Eclectic radio hour. My co-conspirator Laura Dedelow and I have been working on this  production for well over a year. We’ve kept after it through many challenges because we feel the world needs to hear this.

It’s a weekly program featuring new music that celebrates the Earth and speaks to the heart. We think of it as “ecospiritual” music. The program encompasses a diverse array of sounds, including sacred music from various traditions, popular music of every genre, experimental excursions that don’t fit neatly into any category, and much more.

The common thread that weaves this tapestry together is the love of Mother Earth. Once we started listening, we were amazed to discover how much music in this vein is being released right now. As our global ecological crisis deepens, such expressions seem to be rising. We believe this emergent body of work needs to be shared. It’s medicine, a balm for healing. Our mission, then, is to celebrate the music that celebrates Gaia.

If you’re in New Orleans, you can tune into WHIV 102.3 FM at the ungodly hour of 5AM Central on Sunday morning, right before the gospel show. Of course, the station streams live via their website; you can also visit where you can listen to the show on demand, even now, via Mixcloud.

Oh wait, I think I can embed our premiere episode right here:

The premiere is scheduled for 21 April 2024. We should be weekly thereafter.

When you have an hour, please take a listen, and by all means let us know what you think. We’re just getting started, and we can use all the pointers we can get.

I’m especially proud of our premiere episode, and I’d like to highlight the featured tracks with a little extra information about why they were selected and included.


I’m super pumped to announce that I’m having my first solo exhibition.

Pump Up

Nope, this photo won’t be part of it. It didn’t quite meet my exacting standards of quality. However several other photos from the same site and other locations in Louisiana and Indiana will be featured. Come on down to the Lower Nine and take a gander. It’s at the Martin Luther King Library, 1611 Caffin Ave., and it’ll be up for the entire month of December.

The name of the show is After the Peak, and it’s a fantasy about post-oil America. Every schoolchild knows that fossil fuels are not renewable resources. Someday, we will run out. The question is when. Some say we’ve already passed the peak of production, while others say we haven’t reached it yet. Currently our species seems hellbent on extracting all the petrochemical deposits from the Earth’s crust as quickly as possible. That only hastens our approach to depletion. As I photographed abandoned gas stations and automobile dealerships, I imagined a future when all such sites are neglected and left to fall into ruin.

Come join me for the opening reception on the 7th of December, 6-8pm. More details on PhotoNOLA.