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Fika la Revolución

Espresso Lungo e Biscotti

One of the best things about life in Sweden is fika. Seemingly simple, fika just means snack food, but it also refers to the break you have to take for a good snack, and that’s the cool part. The concept of fika is so deeply embedded in Swedish culture, it’s almost sacred, almost like a basic human right. In the workplace, fika might be where community forms, because it’s a regular everyday group activity. In the States, office workers take their snacks back to their cubicles to keep working. Imagine what might happen if we talked to each other instead. We should probably do our best to establish a fika tradition here. You never know where it might lead.

Photo: Espresso Lungo e Biscotti by / CC BY 2.0

Published inBrieflyFood & Drinx

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