I got my first haircut since Katrina today, at a little barbershop in the Seventh Ward called Unifiers Soul Brothers Hair Styling. The artwork in…
Pronounce the dot.
Our electrician came by tonight (with a crew of old friends from Brooklyn) and hooked our generator up to our electrical panel. Now we can…
I’ve spent the better part of the last two days hauling stuff from Xy’s old school to her new one. Just a short drive up…
Today was Xy’s first day at Eisenhower Elementary. It was strange. Only two of the old Eisenhower faculty have been re-hired. There were former Eisenhower…
I saw our Cuban neighbor, Jose, as we drove to our house this morning. Xy dropped me off and hurried on to a job screening…
Been too busy and too preoccupied to post, so here’s a random grab-bag update. My apologies if this seems somewhat haphazard or disjointed. We continue…
It’s been something like twelve weeks since I’ve slept in my own bed. Until tonight. Tonight we’re camping in our own home. No electricity. No…
As I’ve done more demolition on the lower floor of our home, I’ve discovered the termite damage is a bit more extensive than I’d thought.…
We went out to my parents’ house for an early Thanksgiving meal. I got a chance to see my sister and her family for the…
Xy & went out to Griffy Lake for a picnic today. It was fun. Warm weather for this time of year.
Though my box of journals was left on the bottom floor of our house during the flooding of New Orleans, all is not lost. I…
Ironically, Xy’s dollhouse was flooded to approximately the same level as our own, slightly larger house.
Michael graciously allowed me to use his camera for a while, and I took this picture of myself.
I got a Blackberry so I could stay in touch with e-mail and web stuff on my recent trip back to New Orleans. It was…
This picture has been featured on the nola.com homepage for the last 24 hours: She’s cleaning up her home in Lakeview. Personally I find it…
On Sunday Xy and I drove out to my parents’ house, and then the four of us drove to Naperville, Illinois for a surprise party.…
Against all odds, we recovered the following items:
I’ve posted a bunch of pictures from the trip Michael and I made to New Orleans a few days ago. I’ve put ’em all in…
Michael took a great picture of me standing next to all the soggy, nasty junk we pulled out of the flooded lower floor of my…
I miss my neighbors. Most of them I knew on a first-name basis only: Richard and Crystal and Donika and Willanita and Danielle and Geraldine…