Title: Infinite Jest
Author: David Foster Wallace
Published: 1996
David Foster Wallace, you’ve gotten the better of me.
I started reading Infinite Jest shortly before my daughter was born. I’ve continued to plug away at it for three months.
Title: Infinite Jest
Author: David Foster Wallace
Published: 1996
David Foster Wallace, you’ve gotten the better of me.
I started reading Infinite Jest shortly before my daughter was born. I’ve continued to plug away at it for three months.
I’ve never noticed lovebugs around New Orleans before, though they’re supposed to be common all along the Gulf Coast during certain times of the year.…
We took Persephone in to Xy’s school to visit some of Xy’s students. As she predicted, it was a mob scene. I’ve posted the pix…
A mysterious fungus sprung up in one of our flowerpots this weekend. It looked creepy and beautiful and smelled terrible. What could it be? Turns…
I think this is the best photo I’ve taken in a while. Somehow phallic and vaginal at the same time. Best viewed large.
Yesterday seemed to be getting off to a good start. I’d set my sights on completing a project that I’ve been postponing and procrastinating on…
Dear Persephone, People kept telling me we should “enjoy this time” with you. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this advice. A couple…
I don’t know if there’s a name for this style of infant apparel. We call them “ghosties.” Here’s Persephone in her favorite ghostie.
It was a beautiful day, so we packed some picnic snacks, loaded up the baby stroller, gathered up some neighbor kids and headed down to…
Whenever people see her, they invariable make two remarks: She looks like me. She’s cute. It doesn’t take a logician to leap to the obvious…
Today her umbilical stump fell off. To celebrate, we made a pilgrimage to Bayou St. John. She’s definitely growing. Her loose folds of skin are…
I’m not the kind of guy who carries around pictures of his newborn child. But I will post ’em on the net. I can understand…
Xy’s in the ninth month of her pregnancy now. She’s tired of carrying the extra weight and all the other many attendant discomforts. Pregnancy is…
Today’s the Chinese New Year. I’m a bit disturbed that our child will be born in the Year of the Rat, because I don’t particularly…
Xy made one circuit of the bonfire, not easy for a pregnant lady given the general rowdiness. Next year, prob’ly not. Our old friend Tony…
I’m taking some vacation days. Combined with the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s a whole week off work. That gives me time to do this: I’m staining…
Xy found this crawling around on our deck this morning and demanded I take a picture. It’s shaped like a worm but has the texture…
Here’s an example of marital telepathy and a harrowing tale of a narrowly averted information crisis. Yesterday, Xy was doing some work at her classroom,…
Juan Molina’s crew has been working on our house since Monday morning. They’re doing two separate tile jobs. One is the floor of the back…
This morning I noticed something kind of strange. This new graffito, on the back of the RTA facility… …bears a striking resemblance to this older…