Last Friday I noticed a new sculpture in the quad. Then I saw another, not too far away. What’s going on here? Could it be…
Pronounce the dot.
Last Friday I noticed a new sculpture in the quad. Then I saw another, not too far away. What’s going on here? Could it be…
It’s gone. So that only took three years. Check out the photoset.
I just learned that Coleen Salley, the “Grocery Cart Queen,” passed away yesterday. I never met her, but I did encounter her (and her krewe)…
One of my photos is being used in a book called I See… Xmas; I’m not actually sure which photo but I think it’s this…
Spotted this thing behind the hotel where we stayed in Thomasville, Alabama. I have no idea what it is, but I’m sure some astute person…
The biggest single thing my department does every year is New Faculty Orientation, which is today. This year we’ve got the biggest crop of new…
Quick quiz: What’s the connection between my beautiful wife and the science fiction television series Babylon 5?
A mighty wind blew through our block Friday afternoon. Xy described it as a “mini tornado.” I thought she was being dramatic until I saw the damage myself.
I’m nearing the end of my project of excavating old images from the depths of my hard drive. There have been some interesting discoveries along…
Rainwater collects in little puddles on several of the steps leading up to our front porch. Ideally these old worn treads should be replaced, but…
Dipping into ye olde hard drive, I found this photo collage I made six years ago. I still think this is pretty cool. I didn’t…
It would have been nice if this big old house could have been preserved. It would have been nice if someone had taken responsibility for…
People keep bugging me for pix of the daughter. So, here is one.
I started taking digital pictures with increasing frequency after moving to New Orleans in 1999. But I didn’t start using Flickr in earnest until sometime in 2004.
So now I am bridging that gap. Over the last month or so, in what is laughingly referred to as my “free time,” I’ve managed to excavate 260 photos from the depths of my hard drive, covering the time from July 15, 1999 to December 31, 2001. I’ve uploaded them to Flickr as part of a set I call Less Old Stuff (in contrast to Really Old Stuff).
This grouping encompasses a number of other photo clusters, such as the aforementioned Day 991016, Thanx00, Xmas00, Carnival01, and Day 011027. There’s also the painfully artsy Dead Gas Station, the experimental Lunar Variations, the amusing-only-to-me Sliptych and a set documenting the local Greens moving in to an office in Gert Town. And who could forget 2001 The Space Odyssey?
Here are a few of my personal favorites to whet your appetite:
I wrote a letter to the owner. I talked to him too. I made a video about it. I wrote an editorial about it. I…
I was sorting through some old photos the other day, and I came across a set taken on October 16, 1999. As I looked at…
Maybe one reason New Orleans seems to have so many problems is chemical. Specifically I’m thinking about lead. There’s a lot of lead in this…
Over the last few weeks, building on the brackets my father helped me install, I’ve put up approximately 64 linear feet of shelving in the…
Once again Mr. Magic writes with news of life in my former hometown: I thought you might enjoy these pictures of the recent flooding in…
Sometimes it’s worth it. All the trouble, the endless meetings, the grant proposals, the paperwork, navigating bureaucracies, building consensus, wrangling volunteers, the phone calls, the…