Today her umbilical stump fell off. To celebrate, we made a pilgrimage to Bayou St. John. She’s definitely growing. Her loose folds of skin are…
Pronounce the dot.
Today her umbilical stump fell off. To celebrate, we made a pilgrimage to Bayou St. John. She’s definitely growing. Her loose folds of skin are…
In between changing diapers and rocking the girl to sleep and running the odd errand or rustling grub, I’m preoccupied with migrating to a…
Keep N It Real Social & Pleasure Club was in our neighborhood today. It ended just two blocks from our house. Actually we missed the…
Persephone had her first social outing today. I didn’t even know there was a Louisiana Derby but apparently there is. So we went to a…
Much to my regret, I’m shopping for a new webhost, and I could use a little advice.
From our friend MF in China comes the following awesome weirdness: It’s a hand-embroidered bib with a gun that says “poop” on it. No, I…
We took the girl in for her second appointment with the pediatrician this morning. She weighed in at 5 lbs. 15 oz., up five ounces…
The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guarantees we can take twelve weeks off from work to have a baby or care for a sick…
We took our first stroll around the block yesterday. Many of the sidewalks are impassable, so we had to push the stroller in the street.…
PJ Christie has written a song using lyrics adapted from a poem by yours truly. Here is the original version: Nicotine Sonnet When we met…