I’ve been skeptical of Thanksgiving for years. There are two conceptions of Thanksgiving which seem to be etched into my mind from early childhood: The…
Pronounce the dot.
I’ve been skeptical of Thanksgiving for years. There are two conceptions of Thanksgiving which seem to be etched into my mind from early childhood: The…
Jaylene Marsh came to visit us for Thanksgiving. She drove down from Indianapolis yesterday, and today she took this picture with her phone and e-mailed…
Xy and the neighbor girls two years ago: Xy and the neighbor girls last week: Post-K Update:
Last night we had a house party for Adam Wilson, who is running for State Senate in District 4 here in Louisiana. He’s the Green…
Yesterday the IT department here at the university finally delivered my new computer, a Macintosh G5. It was supposed to arrive this summer, but everything…
My knee last Tuesday: My knee on Saturday: My knee today: I’d thought it would be completely healed by now, but it’s not, quite.
Speaking of cats, Folds scratched Xy’s face again. Even though I evicted Folds from our bed back in July, Xy has been letting her back…
This inquisitive fellow poked his head over the neighbor’s shed and stared at us for a long while this morning.
The view from my front porch this morning, about 5:30 a.m. I’m not sure if those are stars or planets, but I’m pretty sure the…
We took Van’s bandage off yesterday. This morning he let me take a picture of his paw.
It’s hard to take pictures and throw a Frisbee at the same time.
I know the world is wondering about my knee. Here’s what it looked like on Tuesday: And Thursday: And today: As you can see, a…
Van vanished for almost 24 hours the other day, and when he returned he had a wounded paw. We tried treating it ourselves, but this…
On Saturday, what with some early morning bed-wrestling and climbing around on a ladder, I managed to bang my knee a few times, and it…
Xy usually grades papers downstairs, but for Hallowe’en she wanted to be by the front door to meet trick-or-treaters. (Yes, our front door is upstairs.…
My big project for today was installing a new ceiling fan in our bedroom. First I had to buy one. Instead of going out to…
I went running today for the first time since I scraped myself up. My knee was a little stiff, but not too bad. All my…
The scab is slowly shrinking. No flakage yet.
Here’s a picture of Melvin for no particular reason. I was demonstrating the camera a couple months ago and took this picture almost by accident.…
It’s looking more and more like a piece of beef jerky. I predict serious flakage to begin in the next 48 hours.