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Painting the Year Out

What have I been doing over the holiday break? Painting. Every day. Yes, even on Christmas. I’ve finished painting the walls of our living room. I painted the balusters (banisters if you prefer) which took three days, because I did three coats of two different colors. I’ve been painting the wall above the mantel gold, which is also taking multiple coats, and a story unto itself. I spent most of today cleaning and priming the downstairs bathroom.

It’s easy to get up and get the work done when I feel Xy’s support. It’s a little more difficult to get motivated when she lies in bed sleeping all day. Of course, she gets a pass on all such behavior because she’s pregnant.

This break has been especially sweet because we figure it’s the last time we’ll have together as just a couple for quite some time to come. I remarked on this today, and Xy replied: “Yeah, but it’s not so bad because we’ve had so many ‘just a couple’ times over the years.” And that’s very true — we’ve been together fifteen years now. But what’s truly amazing is that I said something negative and Xy looked on the positive side.

I told her we could use a lot more of that attitude in the months and years ahead.

Published inLife with XyOur House


  1. Anthony Anthony

    I envy you your painting. On project number one I am still shoveling out plaster into bags, about 50 pounds at a time.

  2. Wait ’til you have a teenager. Not just pregnant women sleep all day. Teenagers supposedly get a pass because “they’re tired.”

  3. I am so sick of painting too. I’m really hyper to begin with though, and baby “nesting mode” has me pushing myself harder than I should be (especially now when I need more sleep). Painting and sanding are probably “no no”s, but I’m hardheaded and doing it anyway 😛

    Yeah, I woke up on Christmas morning and told hubby – “enjoy sleeping in, it’s the last Christmas you’ll ever get to do it 😉

  4. Its a female thing – negativity – its probably because we are the worriers, the ones that think of all the consequences and when we vocalize that its perceived as “being negative”

    relish the female positivity and recognize it when it appears cause its fleeting

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