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Lil Red Gets Married

It’s not all drudgery. We’ve taken some very pleasant breaks from working on the house to visit friends. Today we went to Li’l Red’s wedding in Madisonville. Li’l Red is one of Xy’s co-workers, a young Teach NOLA recruit slugging it out through her first year as a teacher in our public schools. I’d never been to Madisonville before, but I’m always up for a wedding. Still, it was strange to attend a small wedding for someone I don’t really know at all.

Xy wanted me to take a picture so her parents can see how pregnant she is. We used her cameraphone.

Xy at 6 1/2 Months

It’s really not that evident in the picture, but because she’s so petite to begin with, she feels quite large. It’s hard to imagine that she’ll get much, much bigger — but she should, inshalla.

Published inLife with XyMiscellaneousTravel


  1. I agree that she looks great as well. And for a little extra trivia, my mom lives in Madisonville. As does my brother, my seester in law and my aunt. Not all together though, lol. I’t’s nice place to visit if you can avoid all new construction.

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