I guess I will listen to Kerry’s speech tonight. I haven’t really checked him out. There are a number of things he could say to…
Pronounce the dot.
I guess I will listen to Kerry’s speech tonight. I haven’t really checked him out. There are a number of things he could say to…
At last, someone has acknowledged the iMovie “Save Frame As…” bug. I was beginning to think I was crazy, because this damn thing has been…
As I was riding to work this morning, about to pass a big Ryder truck that was parked in the street, a motorist came up…
Back in June, John Gruber tried something daring. He asked his readers for money to support his blog, Daring Fireball. It’s a great blog, probably…
Today I evicted a tenant. She had been living in the shed behind our house for I don’t know how long; she took up residence…
I’ve been letting the Mac OS X Mail client decide what’s junk for the last seventeen months. As of this morning, it has identified 100,031…
Sweat is a good thing. I love to sweat. Lucky for me, because I’m doing a lot of it. It’s summer in New Orleans, and…
I was unable to replace the faulty hose connecting the toilet tank to the water supply. Seems my shutoff valve has a flange coupling, odd…
Over the last few days, I’ve noticed a haze hanging in the air, especially on my morning ride to work. It’s remarkably thick. Yesterday morning,…
XY and I have wondered for a while about these plants growing in our courtyard. A neighbor lady brought another one over in a small…
My boss came by after work today, and we tackled the toilet again. This time we junked the old floor flange. Turns out it was…
I love Nathan’s pickled herring snacks. My favorite variety is the kind packed in white wine and onions. Straight from Canada, loaded with sodium and…
We bought a Kenmore Tumble Action Washer (which the Sears website calls a Kenmore White-on-white 3.1 cu. ft. Front Load Electric Washer w/Eco Care™ System!)…
Donika, Crystal & Shontanay do a little computer work for Xy.
Nothing beats getting up early after four hours of sleep, still drunk from the night before, to fix a troublesome toilet. Except failing to fix…
Thursday night means pub trivia at the Crown & Anchor. That can sometimes lead to Vaughan’s to see Kermit Ruffins, if I’m lucky. Tonite I…
The shrook.com website has been down since July 4th and it’s really chapping my ass. See, my favorite news aggregator, Shrook, uses shrook.com for distributed…
In an old house like ours, there’s always some work to be done. But in the last couple of weeks, the number of projects demanding…
Have you checked the ROX website lately? For heaven’s sake, why not? I’m adding lots of content; old stuff, mostly. It brings back memories.
A few nights ago, Xy & I walked past Jackson Square with our friend David Bryan after coffee and beignets. The park is locked at…