Flattened Home by Joshua Miller / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 A friend of mine made a joke last week in an online discussion, and it really…
Pronounce the dot.
Flattened Home by Joshua Miller / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 A friend of mine made a joke last week in an online discussion, and it really…
Here I am just hanging out with my favorite college president, Dr. Norman Francis. Actually this photo was taken by Irving Johnson at a banquet…
Our first plan was to reprise last year’s costumes which we didn’t really get to employ last year. But then it became clear that this…
One last thing…
I’ve had a lot of fun at the expense of my former hometown over the past few days — and the response has truly astonished…
Greenwood, circa 1983: After I moved downstairs into what was previously my father’s study, I set up this bulletin board over my bed. A content…
The fumigation we’d originally planned for early December has finally been accomplished, and I must say despite the hassle that it’s better to complete than…
Yesterday afternoon I stopped by the playground on the Jeff Davis neutral ground with my daughter. We approached Serpent Mound at the same time as…
Dear Persephone, You are twenty-three months old today. Recently your have begun formulating simple sentences, and in the last month I’ve noticed you have begun…
By strange coincidence, I found myself watching The Big Chill Friday night. It’s one of those super-famous movies that I’ve just somehow never seen. Alas,…
It has just been brought to my attention that Ulysses Press has canceled publication of LOLcats: Teh Most Funyest, Cutest Internet Kittehs. That’s a shame…
I wasn’t feeling quite right. When Xy offered to take our daughter with her on a shopping expedition I assented. It was just starting to…
Imagine my surprise when I discovered my nursery school photo is being used by Cory Frickin’ Doctorow for an article on Boing Boing. The subject?…
A photo I took in 2005 was recently used to spur a collaborative writing assignment. I have no idea where the class was even located.…
We are still unpacking. Many thanks (again) to my mother-in-law for her painstakingly accurate labels. But three weeks after the move, we are down to…
Here’s something I observed a few weeks ago, but am only finding time to write about now. On Monday, October 26, as I took my…
I can’t figure out the purpose of this fence. It is bolted in place, by the way.
So, what to do in a strange city when you’ve got a few hours to kill? I could have looked up my cousin, but I’ll…
I’ve been doing faculty development for over ten years. Yet I’ve never attended a conference on the subject — until now. Last week I went…
I just got back from a trip to Houston. I guess you might wanna zoom way in to find me. More to come. I’m a…