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Twenty-Three Months


Dear Persephone,

You are twenty-three months old today.

Recently your have begun formulating simple sentences, and in the last month I’ve noticed you have begun to issue commands. When you’re seated at the breakfast table, waiting for me to join you, you’ll point to my seat and say “Sit, Dada!” You’ll hand me a book and say “Read it, Dada!” And of course my favorite is when you want me to get out of bed in the morning: “Uppie uppie, Dada!”

A couple weeks ago when I was tucking you in I wished you sweet dreams, and I swear you said, “Sweet dreams, Dada!”

Speaking for dreams, you were having a nightmare a few nights ago and you practically shouted: “Brown shoes! Brown shoes!” I can only imagine what that dream was about. You do have two sets of brown shoes which you love to wear.

And speaking of shoes, just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter, yesterday my shoe came untied, and you rushed over and said, “Help you, Dada!” Of course you can’t tie a shoelace just yet, but you stuck your finger in there and gave me some moral support. It’s the thought that counts.

Most of all, I continue to be amazed at your sheer joyfulness. Everything is new to you. You take delight in the simplest things, like going for a walk or holding a balloon. And if I take you to the playground you’re practically beside yourself.

It’s infectious.

Published inLetters to PersephonePix


  1. rickngentilly rickngentilly

    i love the way you caught your kids stride in that pic.

    it’s like she’s marching into the future.

    happy boithday cuz.

  2. Grampa Ray Grampa Ray

    At Christmastime in Oregon, little Persephone (my granddaughter) sat on my lap for a full 40 minutes WITHOUT MOVING, and I didn’t move much either. We were both watching older children (all relatives) playing games. Of the 38 people in the house, she was the youngest and I was the oldest.
    Isn’t it odd how sometimes doing nothing at all can create a fond and loving memory.
    And, isn’t it odd that a (nearly) two year old can sit so quietly for so long.

  3. Julie (Marietta,GA) Julie (Marietta,GA)

    Grampa Ray,
    What a beautiful memory to cherish. Thanks for sharing!

    How is Grampa Ray’s friend “Crybaby” and the other cats doing in their new home?

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