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Tag: Demolitions

Erroneous Demolitions

A few days ago I posted something from a private email correspondence, regarding the subject of erroneous demolitions by the city of New Orleans. Maybe I shouldn’t have posted it, because the author asked me to remove it, but has graciously offered a revised version — see below.

And I’ve got to say this is stunning stuff.

I can’t understand why the local media aren’t covering this story. Anyway, read on for the revised message that spells it all out pretty well, and please note the PDF (linked at the bottom) of info/tips for people who want to get their property off the demolition list. The author is a concerned citizen of New Orleans who wishes to remain anonymous.

Razing New Orleans

Remember what I said about Bienville being just the tip of the iceberg? There are 1700+ properties on the “imminent threat” list. I just discovered my next door neighbor’s house is one of them! I called him (he’s in Texas) and he was shocked and alarmed. He has not been notified that his house is slated for demolition.

In an effort to visualize the scope of these demolitions, I’ve been fiddling around with and Google Earth.

Imminent Threat

(I’ve posted the data to Google Earth Community for the true geeks.)

Of course I’ve been paying particular attention to the demolition in Mid-City. There are a lot of them, not just along Bienville. (I’ve posted Google Earth data for just Mid-City too.) According to a friend of mine, “The last major demolition of historic houses at this scale for urban renewal was the demolition of Treme for Louis Armstrong Park.”

I got an interesting phone call yesterday from a woman who read my blog and wanted to share some information anonymously. I asked her to put it in writing, so she sent me the following via e-mail, which I thought was quite extraordinary.