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Two for Tomorrow

Locals may want to note that tomorrow (Thursday, December 14) is the final day for public comment on the latest round of proposed FEMA demolitions. Nothing less is at stake here than the unique urban fabric of some of New Orleans’ historic neighborhoods. You can read more on the MCNO website, where you’ll find links to leave comments for FEMA.

Also on Thursday: City Council considers the question of Endymion’s return to Mid-City. You may have thought this was a done deal, that Endymion would follow the Uptown route again this year. After all, it’s been reported on the front page of the Times-Picayune more than once, replete with unfortunate comments which many of my neighbors found insulting. But the Council has the final say. Last month, a bunch of Mid-City neighbors were planning to attend the Council meeting to let their views be known, but the topic was postponed. Have people cooled off and forgotten about the issue, or will they turn out en masse tomorrow? I don’t know. Again, head over to to read more, including a couple impassioned letters from my neighbors.

Published inNew Orleans

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