We’ve never evacuated for a hurricane before. But we’re evacuating for this one. Katrina looks like she’s headed straight toward New Orleans, and she’s now…
Pronounce the dot.
We’ve never evacuated for a hurricane before. But we’re evacuating for this one. Katrina looks like she’s headed straight toward New Orleans, and she’s now…
Remember when I said I was done posting pix from our vacation trip? I was wrong. I found a dozen more which I’d meant to…
It’s taken a couple weeks, but I’ve finally posted all the pix from our vacation. Well, not all the pix, but 87 of the best…
We got home last night. This was the longest vacation Xy and I have been on together, ever. Days away: 16 Miles travelled: 2,506 Gas…
Last night we ate dinner in a cave. We woke up this morning in the DeVille Motel in Waynesville, Missouri, perhaps slightly hungover from the…
Back when Xy & I lived in Bloomington, we knew a guy named Ray, a long-haired acid burnout/schizophrenic with a penchant for bizarre puns. Once…
It’s official. We’ll be meeting at Nick’s English Hut in Bloomington, Indiana, at 8:30pm on the evening of Wednesday, July 6th. Who are “we”? Well,…
The radio alarm woke me up Thursday morning with news of bombs going off at the British Embassy in Midtown Manhattan. And I thought to…
I’m gearing up for a conference next week in New York. I got a cheap flight (American Airlines, about $175 round trip, non-stop both ways)…
Getting there was hellacious. We faced two major traffic blockages and two major downpours. We were rear-ended — just a tap, no damage. We ran…
Friday: After a sleepless night, I got up at the godawful hour of 4:00 AM, had breakfast with my parents, then drove to Union Station…
Xy and I spent the last two nights in French Lick. I highly recommend it. French Lick is about 45 minutes south of Bloomington, and…
Something about traveling turns me into a tightass. I mean my bowels clench up and don’t want to move in a timely and convenient fashion.…
Yesterday we drove from New Orleans to Decatur, Alabama where we spent the night. They don’t sell liquor in this county on Sunday, even in…
It’s Rachel taking a smoke break in front of her house in Baltimore. Xy is wearing a scarf Rachel knitted for her. But who took…
Here’s a brief recap of my trip to Finland: I went to a conference in Tampere, Finland. It was ED-MEDIA 2001, and since it relates…
London — The overnight sleeper train was expensive but definitely worth it. Trains and planes are the way to go — fuck a bus, except…
Edinburgh — I’m sitting on a bench on a hill in a park looking across a small valley at the most incredible array of stone…