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Buggin’ Out

We’ve never evacuated for a hurricane before. But we’re evacuating for this one. Katrina looks like she’s headed straight toward New Orleans, and she’s now a Category Four. Worst case scenario: Lake Ponchartrain floods the city, and our neighborhood is under many feet of water for many weeks to come. We wouldn’t want to be here for that.

Published inKatrinaTravelWeather & Seasons


  1. […] Sunday, August 28th: Got up at 3:00 AM and decided to bug out. As I wrote that morning, “Worst case scenario: Lake Ponchartrain floods the city, and our neighborhood is under many feet of water for many weeks to come. We wouldn’t want to be here for that.” Hit the road by 5:00 AM. By 10:00 AM we were in Winona, Mississippi. I had the presence of mind to videotape our evacuation, but not to bring any valued possessions up from the basement. […]

  2. […] about everyone around here can remember exactly what they were doing three years ago today. We were on the road, headed north, our first and only evacuation so […]

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