Some former neighbor girls stopped by yesterday. They’re still living in New Orleans, but not near us anymore. I think they mainly wanted to look…
Pronounce the dot.
Some former neighbor girls stopped by yesterday. They’re still living in New Orleans, but not near us anymore. I think they mainly wanted to look…
The Sav-A-Center in our neighborhood finally re-opened last week, and I went shopping there for the first time Saturday morning. There’s a write-up at Metroblogging…
Just around the corner the other morning: Don’t ask me. I have no idea. (By all means, click the picture for a bigger version.)
Reload page for another random picture of me. The pictures featured on this page are pretty old. Want to see some more recent pictures of…
Xy and I didn’t really exchange gifts this year. That is, I got her a gift but she didn’t get me anything. She’s a Scrooge,…
We went out to my parents’ house for an early Thanksgiving meal. I got a chance to see my sister and her family for the…
Xy & went out to Griffy Lake for a picnic today. It was fun. Warm weather for this time of year.
Ironically, Xy’s dollhouse was flooded to approximately the same level as our own, slightly larger house.
Michael graciously allowed me to use his camera for a while, and I took this picture of myself.
Against all odds, we recovered the following items:
I’ve posted a bunch of pictures from the trip Michael and I made to New Orleans a few days ago. I’ve put ’em all in…
Michael took a great picture of me standing next to all the soggy, nasty junk we pulled out of the flooded lower floor of my…
It’s taken a couple weeks, but I’ve finally posted all the pix from our vacation. Well, not all the pix, but 87 of the best…
Last night we ate dinner in a cave. We woke up this morning in the DeVille Motel in Waynesville, Missouri, perhaps slightly hungover from the…
Posted a set of 40-odd pix from Saturday’s rail walk:
It’s so foggy this building is just floating away.
There’s a UFO in my kitchen.
Signs of the impending holiday in our neighborhood… It’s a little hard to read because of the burglar bars, but the spray-painted message lists the…
I’ve been skeptical of Thanksgiving for years. There are two conceptions of Thanksgiving which seem to be etched into my mind from early childhood: The…