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Food, Sacred & Profane

The Sav-A-Center in our neighborhood finally re-opened last week, and I went shopping there for the first time Saturday morning. There’s a write-up at Metroblogging that sums it up nicely. It may not seem like much, but it provides a huge boost of confidence for the neighborhood. Most of the other big supermarkets in the flood zone are simply vacant, gutted shells. Not only has this store re-opened, but it’s much fancier than it was before the storm. We used to be mad at Sav-A-Center for destroying the late lamented Movie Pitchers, but that seems like ancient history. All is forgiven now. I bought some steaks to celebrate.

St. Joseph's Altar

Speaking of food, Sunday was the Feast Day of St. Joseph. Xy and I walked over to Holy Rosary and Cabrini to check out a couple St. Joseph’s Altars. And of course I took pictures.

Published inFood & DrinxNew OrleansPix

One Comment

  1. Joe Joe

    One of the New Orleans images which has really stuck with me is driving past devastated commercial spaces with no sign of rebuilding, and wondering how a neighborhood could possibly rebuild without a grocery store or gas station. (On the other hand, every time I saw somebody up on a ladder in a Rite-Aid, I felt a little better.)

    I’m glad to hear about this!

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