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Super Fat

Today is Mardi Gras, the most wonderful day of the year. Ideally I’d be getting up at the crack of dawn, donning a wild costume, and venturing forth to partake in a day of mad revelry, probably hooking up with the Societé de Sainte Anne and walking from the Bywater to the Marigny to the French Quarter and back again.

Alas, not this year. My twisted ankle is still not up to a normal day’s activity, much less Mardi Gras. Also, Xy’s very pregnant and not up for it either. So we are staying home today.

Often we remark that in the rest of the country it’s just another Tuesday. But not so today. It’s Super Tuesday, the biggest day of primaries in the history of the nation. I expect I’ll be watching some of the returns and rooting for Obama.

Often we remark on this day that there’s no place we’d rather be — except maybe Rio. And so I have Black Orpheus cued up in the DVD player. No, it can’t compare to the real thing, but it will have to do.

Maybe I’ll put on my papier-mâché crown and hobble around the block just for auld lang syne. But to tell the truth I don’t mind staying home today. I’ve got a few tasks to tackle, and it just feels like the right thing for us this year.

Happy Super Fat Tuesday, everybody.

Published inHoly Daze


  1. David David

    Dude, that bums me the fuck out. I hope you two take care, though, and get well. Next year, man!

    Tonight Nicole and I are going to a New Orleans themed restaurant, and it turns out they’re having a Mardi Gras party afterward. We’ll see what it’s like doing Mardi Gras in Toronto.

  2. […] was really looking forward to this Mardi Gras, in part because we skipped the last one, and because it was my baby girl’s first, and because it’s also the first […]

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