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Xy went to a job screening today. It seems there are hundreds of teachers competing for 60 jobs in the newly chartered schools in the Algiers neighborhood.

As a first step, they seem to be weeding out the bulk of applicants with an essay and a battery of math questions. They plan to whittle the big crowd down to 200 or so.

Xy got finished with her tests before anyone else in her alphabetized group. That could mean she aced them or it could mean she was completely confused.

After the job screening, Xy went to see our friend the nephrologist and had her urine screened. The test confirmed what we discovered in Indiana a month ago: There’s blood in her urine, a trace amount. The good doctor recommended a blood screening for signs of the Big C.

He just called back and let us know that they detected no abnormal cell division. That’s a relief. The plan now is to check up again in six months and see if anything has changed.

Published inBodyLife with XyThe Ed Biz

One Comment

  1. justine justine

    Glad to hear its ok xy. You are under tremendous stress right now. I am sure that doesn’t help. Good luck with the job.

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