It’s hard and crusty. Here’s a close-up especially for my friend Bill:
Pronounce the dot.
It’s hard and crusty. Here’s a close-up especially for my friend Bill:
It’s getting a little itchy from time to time. I’ve noticed the scab changes color when I bathe. It turns almost white. This is the…
The scab’s much better established now. On Thursday the scab was still forming. It oozed and changed colors all day, and got sorer and sorer.…
The wound on my knee is now completely scabbed over. It is sore as a motherfucker, especially around the edges where the skin that’s left…
Wiped out just as I started my morning jog — tripped over an uneven sidewalk and went down hard. That’s my knee. Actually it’s not…
The rain has not been constant. But almost. Turns out it’s Tropical Storm Matthew. I’d said it rains a lot here in New Orleans. This…
XY and I have wondered for a while about these plants growing in our courtyard. A neighbor lady brought another one over in a small…
We bought a Kenmore Tumble Action Washer (which the Sears website calls a Kenmore White-on-white 3.1 cu. ft. Front Load Electric Washer w/Eco Care™ System!)…
Donika, Crystal & Shontanay do a little computer work for Xy.
Nothing beats getting up early after four hours of sleep, still drunk from the night before, to fix a troublesome toilet. Except failing to fix…
In an old house like ours, there’s always some work to be done. But in the last couple of weeks, the number of projects demanding…
The waiting is over, the mystery revealed. It’s an advertisement for the Louisiana Lottery’s Extreme Green scratch-off game.
Someone hit the Jeff Davis statue again last night. The last graffiti was cleaned up in a day or two. This morning, the red spray-painted…
My office window lets me gaze upon such marvels as the Big Lots store across the street and the traffic jams on I-10. The view…
One fun thing about my morning ride to work is checking the Jefferson Davis statue on Canal Street to see if it’s been defaced. Looks…
National Library Week is almost over. I work in a library. To be more precise, I work in a building which houses a library. I…
It’s Rachel taking a smoke break in front of her house in Baltimore. Xy is wearing a scarf Rachel knitted for her. But who took…
A homeless man has taken up residence on campus, just inside the fence that borders the on-ramp to I-10.