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Me, Me, Me

July 7th, 2000. That’s when I had my driver’s license photo taken. I weighed 200 pounds and I was letting my hair grow out. It wasn’t pretty.

2000 Drivers License

My license expired in January. I tried to renew it in April and failed. But I didn’t give up. I persevered. I had to lie and cheat. I had to risk life and limb. But at last, today I renewed my driver’s license.

2004 Drivers License

The sweat stains on my shirt are because of the fact that it was something like 107ยบ with the heat index today.

After my harrowing bicycle trip to the DMV, I stopped by the barbershop for a haircut. David, the sketch artist, drew my picture, using my new license as a model.

2004 Sketch

My barber and I have reached a new level of understanding. Today he didn’t ask me how I wanted my haircut, and I didn’t tell him. We exchanged not a single word about it, yet I got exactly the haircut I wanted.

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