Xy’s officially completing her seventh month of pregnancy today. She’s doing fine, aside from occasional heartburn.
It’s been amusing how everyone (even her, even me) attributes everything to her pregnancy.
For example, if I say she sleeps a lot, people say, “It’s because she’s pregnant.”
If I say she doesn’t sleep at all, the response is the same: “It’s because she’s pregnant.”
She’s cranky? “It’s because she’s pregnant.” She’s happy? “It’s because she’s pregnant.” She’s got a rash? “It’s because she’s pregnant.” She stubbed her toe? “It’s because she’s pregnant.”
You get the idea.
But upon reflection, I’d have to say it’s remarkable how little she’s been affected. Through all the massive changes in her body, she’s still pretty much the same old Xy. Mostly she does what she does and feels what she feels not because she’s pregnant, but because she’s Xy.
There have been a few exceptions. The morning sickness was definitely symptomatic, but that thankfully abated after the first trimester. Her appetite has fluctuated weirdly. And now the aforementioned heartburn, which is something she’s never had before.
I recommended she take an over-the-counter antacid, and that seems to have helped.
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Ah yes the heartburn. Guess what? It’s because she’s pregnant!
DaLynn suffered from that toward the end of her pregnancy. She didn’t even know what it was at first because she’d never had a single instance of it before. Xy can probably expect that to last the rest of the pregnancy. It lasted a couple of weeks afterward for DaLynn, but she hasn’t had any problems since.
By the way, are you getting completely and totally sick of people telling you how much your life will change forever?
Yes indeed. You anticipate a future entry.
I bet it feels good to be in the home stretch.
Has Xy tried mineral water for the heart burn? It really helps me…
Hey B,
Glad to see you starting to enjoy it! Being a parent is scary and fun, but up to now I think you’ve mostly been experiencing just the scariness. Much fun to you and Xy in the new year.
I found (and currently find), too, that, some physical annoyances aside, the main annoyance of pregnancy is that EVERYONE in the world who sees a pregnant woman in the second, and especially the third, trimester has to start sharing birth stories or stories about the pregnancies of people in their family.
Something about seeing a rounded belly makes people forget all social boundaries. I’ve come to believe that they can’t help themselves. It must be an ingrained evolutionary response. It’s so universal that there’s no other explaination.
And strangely, this time around for me, every @%#$ co-worker I have has a strange tendency to tell me that I “look great!” on a daily basis. I suppose it’s possible that I could have a glow of some sort, but what I really suspect is that they all think I look really fat…. ):
But I should add that there are nice things about being pregnant, too.
Right now, I’m enjoying having the secret kicking party going on inside again.
It’s because the baby has a full head of hair that she has heartburn….and she’s pregnant!!
I second Kelly on the birth stories thing. Once the young ‘un is born and goes through his/her first trip to the emergency room for some form of injury, then brace yourself for the horror stories from other parents. My personal faves that I heard when my son was sporting a cast at eleven months:
“Isn’t he a little young for a skiing accident? 😉 ”
From a mom with three boys: “You know things are bad when the folks in the ER start addressing you and your family by your first names right away – and you do the same with them!”
when i went bowling last weekend, i felt a little tipsy afterwards. at first i thought it was the beer, but now i think it was because Christy is pregnant.
[…] first reaction most people have when I relate this story is, of course, that “it’s because she’s pregnant.” It’s a compulsion. Go ahead and […]