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  1. Technically Nader’s not in the running yet. He hasn’t announced his intentions, and there’s a “Draft Nader” campaign afoot. Howie Hawkins is running as a “placeholder” for Nader. It’s a repeat of four years ago. I didn’t like it then and I don’t like it now, on simple procedural grounds.

  2. David David

    I know I’ve never been shy about expressing my feelings about Nader, but I didn’t mean that in a disparaging way.

    I’m planning on voting for Edwards in the primary, so I was happy to see Nader’s support. I think he’s the best Democrat, though Obama is certainly better than Hillary. And the worst Democratic candidate is better than anyone from that freakshow that is the GOP. Ron Paul’s the only glimmer of sanity there, because he’s radical enough to believe in (gasp!) the Constitution.

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