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Endymion Returns

To the relief of everyone Uptown, Endymion is coming back to Mid-City in 2008. Therefore I imagine we’ll be having our annual Samedi Gras party, where you can experience a totally different side of Endymion, far from the madding crowds of Upper Mid-City. Hopefully our renovation will be complete by then. The question is, what musical entertainment will we have? If you’re interested in rocking our house, let me know. We can’t pay you, but we’ll have beer. It’s OK if you’ve never played out before; in fact it might be preferable. After all we hosted the world premiere of Phantasmagore a few years ago and we all know how well that went. Rabbit Hatch played the year after that and actually made it through their whole set. Applicants may be subject to an audition, especially if I don’t know you very well. I prefer quirky weird music. An improvisational bongo/sitar combo might be ideal. Also, I should forewarn that although we have a lot of rooms, none of them are ideal for playing music. Also, my pregnant wife will be at eight months by then and she could put the kybosh on the whole thing at any moment.

Published inHoly DazeMusic & AudioNeighborsNew Orleans


  1. Does it make me a bad person that I live Uptown and I’m so glad to hear that it’s gone?

    And are Endymion fans so territorial in Mid-City? It’s a parade, not a land run (thought I would throw in that Oklahoma reference for you Bart, since we were both born there).

  2. Actually my experience is that they are worse in Mid-City… at least near the beginning of the route.

    I just hope they haven’t taught the Uptown crowds too much about how not to share.

  3. Like I said, it’s a whole different scene where we live. The territoriality is not really an issue once you cross Jeff Davis. I’d say we’ll be luck to muster a good crowd, given the depopulated state of our area. And between Broad and Claiborne I bet it gets mighty thin.

    So neither of you has a sitar? What about a zither?

  4. Tony Tony

    Well, if you’re able to gather enough people for a horn section it’ll give me enough reason to come down for a visit with my trumpet in hand.

  5. HK HK

    Ed B:
    We might be up for a Mardi Gras gig. Those are always a fun time.
    Our band, COOT, is playing at Tipitina’s on Nov 15 — come check us out and you can see if you want to hear more.
    You can contact me privately (I assume you’ll have my email from this post) if you’re interested.

  6. I’ll believe it when I see it. As much as I like being able to say I told you so, I’d love to be wrong on this one. But I think Muniz is trying to pressure the city and we’ll still some effort to either keep Endymion uptown or move the Saturday day parades to Mid-City. Like I said, I’d love to be wrong.

  7. Charles Charles

    I have a question not sure how to ask so will just ask a friend of mine who i have since lost track of called Chris R was in a band called the Troublemakers with Helen Hills husband Paul. my question is do you knowif the band ever released a cd? I loved thier music and wanted to hear some the other day. thanks in advance and sorry to bother

    on topic i am glad to hear mid city route is being used again i hope all the parades can go back to their routes i missed the local routes that went through mid city where i grew up though it seemed before the storm even alot had moved thier route or were thinking of it

  8. A Little Bird A Little Bird

    The cruel irony of Muniz..His right hand man is one of the reasons many houses in my Neighborhood are still unoccupied and rotting. He and his wife refuse to fix the houses till they are sure they Neighborhood is coming back.

  9. Heh. If I could get my husband to schlep himself over there with his quasi-klezmer trio, y’all would have a clarinet, a bass clarinet, a fiddle, and an accordion to kick off Endymion and serenade its neutral ground-camping devotees – or at least rock your house like it’s 5769…

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