I recently got an invite to my 25th high school reunion, and I thought — twenty-five years?
Has it really been that long?
I guess it has.
I’m sure I’d enjoy it, but being as it’s a thousand miles away, I don’t plan to attend. I say that with full awareness that fate has a funny way of intervening in our plans. I didn’t plan to attend our 20th reunion either, but Katrina blew me northward. If I show up at the 25th reunion, it will be a very bad sign.
So I will wish all my classmates well from afar. I hope you have a good time at the reunion, and enjoy this set of 85 photos.
I have my 25th Reunion coming up in early August… It’s essentially in my ‘backyard’ (just northwest of Houston, about a half-hour’s drive w/o traffic), so I guess I’ll go. The upshot is, I am now dating my old high school boyfriend (reconnected thru the magic of facebook), and I’ve been ‘friended’ by some old classmates (also via facebook)…
GOP’s false talking point: Jones Act blocks Gulf help | McClatchy
Jindal keeps screaming about foreign skimmers but BP is not even using the local boats at all..
(Rocky Ditcharo, a shrimp dock owner in Buras, La., said many fishermen hired by BP have told him that they often park their boats on the shore while they wait for word on where to go.
”They just wait because there’s no direction,” Ditcharo said. He said he believes BP has hired many boat captains ”to show numbers.”)
Maybe you should plan on going, just to make sure nothing happens.
I like the class signs up on the wall. When I was in high school, I made a Senior Spirit!” sign, for senior spirit week, by cutting up pictures from Playboy magazine to form the letters. It didn’t stay up very long.
Hey B…..http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/rethinking-mass-evacuation-of-gulf-coast/..
it would behoove you to seriously make some up-nawth bonds with some
good folks who might have some land, and even Victory-Garden-type hippies.
Because yer Gulf is “Had-It”, or, Has Had-It.
Go up there, and get a niche before winter. There’s going to be Mass Exodus,
Martial Law, and guess what Honky? You are not politically correct lookin’.
You can’t breathe dat poison shit…you don’t wanna be caught on the log-jam.
I just read a blog entry from a smart Houston (now MINNEAPOLIS) woman.
She sees that Houston has HAD-IT! So she managed a corporate transfer
UP NAWTH. Just completed her move. It cost her a good bit, but now she is
relatively SET compared to all the Fooze who gonna bee stuck on the Freeway.
Go to the reunion. Check out with good old “J.” what’s Zappin in Missoula.