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Doing the Wave

It was some fun watching the Saints dismantle the Patriots last night. And now I’m doing the wave. No, not the audience wave — I’m not that big of a sports fan and I do still have my basic sense of human dignity. I’m talking about Google Wave.


Google describes Wave as “a personal communication and collaboration tool,” and at first glance it seems to be highly flexible and powerful. Whether it will also be useful and successful is another question entirely.

It’s a little hard for me to describe Wave, mainly because I haven’t had much chance to play around with it yet. It’s invitation-only at this point, and I only got mine a couple days ago. (Props to Nola Cherié King for hooking me up.) I hope to spend some time poking around at it and exploring its possibilities, seeing what potential it might have. This is just what I do, who I am, plus it’s my job. In particular I’m wondering what application Wave might have in higher education.

Anyhow, I’ve now got a handful of invites (eight, to be specific) which I can pass on to any interested parties, and we can check this thing out together. I’d like to reserve at least half of them for people who are here at the University, but the rest are fair game to friends and readers. So if you’d like an invite, use the comment form below, and make sure to put your e-mail address in the appropriate field (no one will see it but me) so I can send you the invitation. Google says the invites may be delayed but I got mine pretty much instantly. I’ll send invites on a first-come basis, but you have to promise to do the wave with me at least once.

Published inGeeky


  1. Peris Peris

    I’m a distance-learning grad student and programmer/designer, terribly frustrated by Blackboard, so I’d be very interested in the higher learning potential, and the architecture of the thing itself (whatever ‘it’ is), so fix me up, please!

  2. sean sean

    I already got a couple of invites, so I don’t need one, but I’m gonna try it out. I’m curious to see how people will wrap their minds around the abstract nature of wave… it may be easier to get people to create a single wave account to edit shared messages wiki style, publish/comment to public sites, etc. I’ve used google docs for document collaboration before, but sometimes it feels like pulling teeth to get people set up and explain why they should sign in. In an education setting I could see a lot of use cases.

  3. Garvey Garvey


    Not sure if they’re all spoken for, but as a fellow faculty developer, I’d like to see how this Wave thing could be used by our faculty here at my school. (BTW, liked the POD pix you posted–the high quality was great: I sent one to a colleague who does a session on the “First Day of Class,” and your hq pic of a poster session was completely legible–thanks).


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