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Partly Nippy

It was cooler today, with a bit of a nip in the air, the first hint of cold weather since spring.

I object to this turn of affairs. I don’t know if it’s my body or my mind that takes greater umbrage. But I can feel myself clench up, mentally and physically. I was a little uneasy and out of sorts all day.

Some people enjoy this. Some people — native New Orleanians even — seem to take relish in reminding me that it isn’t even really cold yet. Inevitably we get into the topic of how I grew up in Indiana, and how I lived in Sweden for a year up by the Arctic Circle.

Was I born with thin blood or am I just a mental case? Don’t know.

It’s cool in our house now, but not really cool enough to fire up our two wall furnaces. I expect it will be actually undeniably cold tomorrow morning, like in the mid-40s.

It will be warming up in a few days, I hope.

A little brandy helps.

Published inWeather & Seasons


  1. David David

    A week ago it snowed for the first time in Toronto. I was not happy to see that. But fortunately, it didn’t stick, and it has since warmed up.

  2. Oh, hell, I’m not ready for this weather, either.

    My dog, on the other hand, is loving it. Then again, she’s got the permanent fur coat on…

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