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A Birthday Party

A friend of mine celebrated her first birthday today. (Yes, I’m also friends with her mother, but after watching the girl bury her face in cake I feel a special bond.) What was really amazing to me was how many people showed up for the event with kids the same age in tow. There must have been six or seven infants and toddlers there, and three pregnant women as well. That was heartening, because I realize that if we are to be new parents in post-Katrina New Orleans we’re going to need all the help and support we can get. Just knowing we are not alone is helpful.

Published inFriendsNew Orleans


  1. Andrea Andrea

    We may not be in the Crescent City, but we are always here for you too. Once you have a baby of your own, it seems like the world is full of kids where you never noticed them before, and you’ll rarely be alone in your status as a parent.

  2. rickngentilly rickngentilly

    allways hope with a new generation.

    good speed yall.

    spread some to gentilly.

    peace and happy holidays kids.

  3. Michael Homan Michael Homan

    You’ll find all of your adult friends over the next six years will have a kid the same age as yours. Theirs will walk before yours and you’ll feel bad.

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