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Just found out the sex of our impending child, via text message from Xy. However, I’m not posting it here. We need something to announce in March, right? Also, I need to sort out just how much of this child’s life is going to be subject to my compulsive communicating. And finally, it’s another opportunity for me to say: I know something you don’t.

More importantly, today’s ultrasound returned a clean bill of health: the usual number of limbs and organs and whatnot. So far, so good. Xy’s also checked out fine.

Slowly but surely, this abstraction is becoming a reality.

Published inFamilyLife with Xy


  1. Andrea Andrea

    Did you get a video of the ultrasound? I should have told you that you could, since they don’t really tell you that if you bring a VHS tape this will record a minute of it. Well, at least that’s how they rolled at Tulane Clinic, y’all. They might have different technology (and manners) out where XY is going.

  2. Garvey Garvey

    I’m glad all is well. (And I like to think that were the number of limbs amiss, you’d still be excited about this member of your family.)

  3. I guess my prod of calling the baby by a male pronoun didn’t elicit a give-away. Darn.

    I do hope, however, that you plan to carry out your long-ago stated intent to give the child the last name of Everpax. I love that.

  4. Frank Schiavo Frank Schiavo

    Wow. And that isn’t fair, not telling. LoL. I guess gifts should be in a non-gender specific color–although Mauve & Taupe do suck as baby gift colors…

    I recommend an obscure, biblical name and or spelling–Rueben and/or Rebekah work–

  5. Frank Schiavo Frank Schiavo

    Just kidding, When Julie and I plan baby names for that great day, we thought/talked of Dominic Gabriel and Sophia Lilly–so what do I know about names…

  6. Grandma & Grandpa (to be) Grandma & Grandpa (to be)

    40 years ago when you were born, the technology of determining gender before birth was not known. I guess we’ll get used to the idea of waiting until next March.


    Having read the book: Kristen Lavransdatter, I know that Norwegian tradition will cause you to name the child either Sigrid Bartonsdatter or Lief Bartonson. Life is so simple when you just do what your father tells you.

  8. […] back in October, I got a one-word text message from Xy informing me of the child’s gender. I wrote that I knew something you didn’t. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, Xy was calling and/or texting […]

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