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Busy Busy Busy

A brief recap of the past week:

Monday night I attended our weekly grassroots neighborhood planning meeting.

Tuesday night I attended the monthly board meeting for a nonprofit group I’ve been working with.

Wednesday night I attended a meeting to revise bylaws of our neighborhood organization.

Thursday night I thought I’d catch a break, but I ended up giving a tour of the neighborhood to some folks who are working on a documentary for Dutch TV, about the 2008 US presidential election.

Friday afternoon I gave them the Misery Tour of Lakeview, Gentilly and the Lower Ninth Ward. Then I headed over to Algiers for a party at my friend and co-worker Mark’s house. He wrote a successful million-dollar grant for the United Way, which is surely something to celebrate.

Saturday Xy woke up with a hangover that triggered a killer migraine. I spent much of the day playing nursemaid. It was so bad that for a while we thought we would have to cancel our screening of ROX #94 which we’d planned for that evening. That would have been ironic since the subject of ROX #94 is “Hangover Cures.” Thankfully Xy rallied and the screening took place as planned.

That brings us to today, Sunday. I got up early to beat the crowd at the laundromat. This afternoon I attended the monthly meeting for another nonprofit.

So this is what I mean when I say I’m “keeping busy.”

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Published inMiscellaneous

One Comment

  1. Julie Julie

    Hope there aren’t too many more Sunday mornings at the laundromat. I’ve been reading the installments in the T-P and hope that a washer and dryer will soon to be part of your “progress”

    Hope XY is feeling better and that you both have a more relaxing week.

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