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Here’s to the Losers

Yes, it looks as though everyone I voted for yesterday lost, across the board, no exceptions.

I think I was most surprised, and disappointed, that Truehill came in dead last in District B — behind Landry, behind Quentin forgodssake Brown.

Of course, it ain’t over yet. Next month we do it again in a runoff between the top contenders in races where no one scored a majority.

Our next mayor will either be Mitch Landrieu or Ray Nagin. Given the lack of leadership coming from Nagin, I think I’ll have to support Landrieu.

But I don’t have to like it.

Published inNew OrleansPolitix


  1. Indiana’s primary takes place in a few weeks. I fully expect that every single one of my candidates will lose. (sighs) I’m still going to vote. Democracy desn’t always work well, but I’m not sure what system would be better.

    Agree with you 100% about polls – I’ve never even once been asked to take part in a political phone poll.

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