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Unexpected circumstances found me at the Fairmont talking to Ira Glass of This American Life.

“I really wanted to come see you talk tonight,” I told him. “I was just too cheap to buy a ticket. But my friend here” — I pointed to David — “broke up with his girlfriend last night, so he had an extra ticket.”

I also gave Ira one of my business cards, which are designed to make an impression. They’re plain brown cardboard rectangles with “” hand-written with a Sharpie. When I explained that we’d been making a show “kind of like This American Life but not as good” for twelve years, he seemed interested, and he mentioned that they were shooting a TV pilot for Showtime.

“I’m not supposed to say anything about it,” he qualified. “Actually I’m under contractual obligation to say nothing.”

Then he was whisked away for a photo.

Later, at the Orpheum, he told a whole theater full of people the same thing: “We’re making a pilot for Showtime, which is never going to work out, which is why we’re doing it.”

And again he added, “Don’t tell anybody.” So you didn’t hear it from me.

Published inRadio & TVROX


  1. a a

    would that make you a ‘glass kisser’?

    an assistant of mine from Chicago went on to become a producer for TAL.
    one show I recall involved a band made up from local want ads was pretty entertaining.

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