Step three in the mask-making process: I’ve been told it looks like a giant marshmallow, but it’s supposed to be a skull.
Pronounce the dot.
Step three in the mask-making process: I’ve been told it looks like a giant marshmallow, but it’s supposed to be a skull.
The party was fun. We actually drained the keg, which made me happy. PJ & Gina showed up with instruments and jammed in the living…
Xy’s making her famous salsa: It’s so good it’s actually been featured on television. So what’s she making such a big batch for? No, it’s…
Stage two of the mask-making process: Looks crappy, but just wait for the paint. Then it will look even crappier!
It may not look like much, but this is the start of my Mardi Gras costume: I wish I had some idea what I was…
I found this on the bike path at the Jeff Davis overpass: I’m not sure what animal it belonged to.
The girls across the street came over to our house and, with a little help from Xy, they made necklaces for their mom, who died…
The only heat in our bathroom comes from this old electric heater: When it gets cold, this thing just turns on all by itself. Something…
I posted a set of photos from the Jazz Funeral for Democracy.
Tonight I helped Donika, one of the girls who lives across the street, with her math homework. Normally Xy does this, but the subject was…
Xy & I went to Sean & Dawn’s wedding. (Sean is Xy’s partner teacher, and they have a great working relationship. I’m grateful to him…
A massive cold front is sweeping across the nation, bringing storms with it. This morning, it hit New Orleans. I’m glad I’m not riding my…
It’s so foggy this building is just floating away.
There’s a UFO in my kitchen.
I haven’t been this deaf on New Year’s Day since the last time I saw the Walking Ruins.
Sand dollars are of the phylum Echinodermata, class Echinoidea. Xy found this one on the beach in South Carolina. Back when I was working on…
I walked to work this morning because my bike had a flat; the tube ripped at the place where you attach the pump (what do…
My knee two weeks ago: My knee one week ago (note tertiary scab): My knee today: I would say it’s now fully healed. So that…
Signs of the impending holiday in our neighborhood… It’s a little hard to read because of the burglar bars, but the spray-painted message lists the…
While I was writing the previous post, this picture came in via e-mail from Jaylene: That’s Xy in the corner. I note that she seems…