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Fire Hazard

The only heat in our bathroom comes from this old electric heater:


When it gets cold, this thing just turns on all by itself. Something wrong with the rheostat, I guess. The door to the bathroom is blackened on the inside from being up against the hot coils. By strategic positioning of a magazine rack, we’ve rigged the door so it can’t open all the way, to avoid the possibility of it catching fire.

Still, if our house burns down, this would be prime suspect. I really need to have an electrician look at it. Plus we blew a circuit last week and it won’t reset; flipping the switch at the circuit breaker doesn’t have any effect. Definitely time to call an electrician.

Published inOur House

One Comment

  1. polly polly

    apropos of nothing, only that i thought you might find it interesting, i just found out that one of the founders of The Cacophony Society is from lil ole Evansville. his name is alan ridenour, and he is the older brother of an acquaintance , eric ridenour ,lead singer of The Toddlers, and long-time teacher at a Montessori school. Eric is also alleged to have pissed on Elvis’ grave in Graceland; but this might be merely a scurrilous rumor or sarcasm.Have never met Alan ; assume he lives in SanFran, don’t know if he has a ‘regular’ job, and have heard he is/was married or dating Margaret Cho.
    Your thoughts, my newly 38yr old fellow Collins alum??


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