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It’s not quite official. Xy made the first cut and has been going to practice sessions. The rules are strict and harsh — you have to pass through many circles of hell before you can be considered a Big Easy Roller Girl. And it will be even longer before she sees any action in a bout, I think. For now she is aching all over from her last practice but the bruises so far are minimal. As busy as she is with teaching and mothering, she really doesn’t have time for this. Yet I’ve encouraged her every step of the way (including decorating her helmet last night) because I think it’s important for everyone to have some fun, and some “me” time. This might be the perfect activity for Xy. She’s got a lot of aggression that needs an outlet.

Published inLife with XyPixSports?


  1. Alice Alice

    I’d join one of the teams in Bloomington, but I have osteoporosis and can’t risk becoming an invalid.

  2. I second Michael Homan’s 1st comment. And I add to his 2nd: Small Pax? Small Rox? But Small Pox is a great roller name.

  3. Tony Tony

    I thought I remembered Big Easy from one of your posts. Bloomington is set to play Big Easy in NOLA on Sat April 16. And I am hoping to come down to guest announce.

  4. Awesome news. I’m sorry to report Xy had a knee injury which has precluded further rolling — but we will surely be there in the audience.

  5. […] a year ago Xy hurt her knee while practicing with the Big Easy Roller Girls. It’s bothered her ever since, and so yesterday morning we […]

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