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The traditional gift is china, or diamonds, but we opted for foam.

New Mattress

Let me back up.

Twenty years ago, my mom and dad bought a mattress for Xy and me, a wedding present.

This year, as an anniversary gift to each other, we got ourselves a new mattress. That’s right, we slept on the same mattress for twenty years. It served us well in its day, but that day is past, long past. There was a deep trough where my body used to lie, and we’d flipped and rotated all we could.

It was time for something new. So we got a Sleep Innovations 12-Inch SureTemp Memory Foam Mattress.

It’s awesome, and it was affordable. Many thanks to Brother O’Mara for the recommendation, and for letting us come over to his house and roll around on his bed.

Interestingly enough, this mattress comes with a twenty year warranty. So maybe this will last us until our 40th anniversary.

We promised each other that this mutual gift would fulfill our gifting obligations with regard to our anniversary, but I couldn’t resist one little surprise. I knew that Xy would check her laptop first thing in the morning. I left her a note that said “please check your email.” In her inbox she found a message that said “please watch this video.”

And then she saw this.

NSFW, probably. No one ever saw this video before. It was just sitting on a tape in a shoebox in the closet. Xy had certainly forgotten all about it. But I knew it was there, and I knew this would be the perfect time to edit it up.

I’d had some vague thought that a ten-year follow-up would interesting, but I seem to have lost interest in cocktails.

Published inConsumerismFilm & VideoLife with Xy


  1. David David

    As always, Xy stole the show, first with her “anis” comment. But then her puke comment at the sight of booze took me right back to post-Katrina Mardi Gras.

    Do you remember your 11th anniversary? That, too, involved a double date (with yours truly), and there was a video made at some point.

  2. Congrats to both of you! 20 years is not an insignificant accomplishment. Look around at the detritus. I think that you should give up cocktails and have a bottle of good wine every now and then.

  3. David David

    The two of you and Kristina and I went to Octoberfest and then came back to your place. I filmed you cooking something. You were wearing a Saints caps with the little German cap on top of it. I specifically remember it was your 11th anniversary, because I made the comment that the Saints cap represented 10 years and the German cap represented one. It was probably a lousy video.

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