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No Thanks but Lemme Ask My Roommate

I was alarmed to see this report because the location is not far from our house, but the details are kind of interesting.

Armed Robbery, 3900 Block of Banks Street

On February 21, 2011 at approximately 10:15 AM, First District Officers responded to an armed robbery in the 3900 Block of Banks Street. The victim reported an unknown black female wearing a purple shirt and blue jeans knocked on the back door to the residence and asked the subject if he wanted to have sex for money. The subject told her no but stated he would ask his roommate who was asleep.

The subject woke the victim and went back into the kitchen. The witness stated when he came back into the room, the black female had a small black revolver in her hand and the victim’s wallet. The subject stated the female left the residence with the wallet.

A spanish speaking officer arrived on scene and spoke with the victim. The victim relayed the same information received from the subject # 1 including his wallet had been sitting on a small table near the door at the time the female grabbed it.

A neighbor stated the female left in a blue minivan, possibly a Dodge. Both the witness and victim stated they had not seen this female before. The victim stated he had approximately $600 in his wallet.

Sent by Officer Melody Young -1st District NOPD.

As I read this a second time, I kind’ve gotta wonder if the subject #1 or the victim can be trusted in this case. It kind of reminds me of an incident at our old homestead.

Published inNeighborsNew Orleans


  1. HK HK

    $600 in your wallet is a lot to carry around. Maybe the guy “lost” the money that he owed to someone else and had to make up this cockameme story?

  2. Actually it seems pretty well-established round here that many Latino workers do carry large amounts of cash at times, not able or willing to use banks. Ironically that’s led to the nickname “walking ATMs” in some sectors.

  3. Robyn Robyn

    What a weird story. I wonder how successful prostitution cold calls actually are. Do you suspect they get a better response than door-to-door magazine sales? I wonder.

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