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Skylar Fein Rocks

Here’s a li’l art rock mix in honor of the fun we had over the weekend.

I took Persephone to City Park Saturday morning, and we had a ball walking around the Big Lake. (Thanks to the Trust for Public Land for the recent improvements.) After that we visited the New Orleans Museum of Art, which is still free to Louisiana residents. There’s a photography exhibit there that’s well worth checking out. But even more so we really dug Skylar Fein’s Youth Manifesto. That is some fun, poppy, punk-rock art. Persephone especially liked the Grey Ghost Gallery where she could draw on the wall with chalk.


It was such a blast that we went back with Xy the next day! I read that the opening for Youth Manifesto featured a rock’n’roll band that was shut down by the police, which I think is kind of hilarious.

High class event at New Orleans Museum of Art

Rock on, Skylar Fein.

Published inArtsyFamilyMusic & AudioNew OrleansPix

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