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I got Iked on my bike this morning.

I was partway to work, and I noticed the sky was getting dark — really dark. Hope I can make it there before… And then the heavens opened and the water poured down.

By the time I got to campus, the rain had practically stopped. I guess that was a feeder band for Hurricane Ike.

Ike in the Gulf

I got soaked. I mean drenched. To the skin. Every piece of clothing I had was saturated with rainwater, even my underwear.

I don’t remember when I last had such a thorough soaking on the way to work. That’s why I keep a set of clothes and a towel at the office. It’s always nice to have a legitimate reason for getting naked at work. Now if I can just get my shoes dry before I head home I’ll be happy.

Published inBikeThe Ed BizWeather & Seasons


  1. Jenny Jenny

    That’s much more glamorous than the rain-proof haz-mat-looking suit I had for ten year’s worth of biking to work. I never even used the mythological showers in the basement of the I.U. library. I found them once & was not sure of the privacy. Too many bad bathroom dreams — and I’m talking recurring!

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