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Weekend Update

You’d think a guy like me would be all over Tales of the Cocktail. (Hell, I should be on a panel. After all, I’ve co-hosted almost a hundred episodes of a show about mixed drinks.) But every year it sneaks up on me, and I find myself obligated elsewhere. This year I’m hanging with the in-laws, who are visiting from Indiana. They aren’t our only Hoosier visitors; Jenny & Herb also stopped by yesterday; we had burgers and sausages. But the really big news is that Daisy’s water broke last night (I got updates from DJ via Twitter) and she gave birth some time around noon today. It’s a girl, but she has no name as of yet. I find that poetic. I like the idea of existing in the world without a name. Also, I avoided killing myself on the ladder but was unable to unstick the painted-shut upstairs windows; I did successfully reinstall all the old burglar bars however. Man, it’s hot out there.

Published inBrieflyFamilyFriendsMiscellaneous

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