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Break out the cigars and pass em around — it’s a girl.


Born on the cusp:
February 21, 2008

6 lbs. (just barely)
17 3/4″ long

Mother and child are both healthy. Persephone was delivered via Caesarian section, so Xy is recovering slowly.

More to come.

In the meantime, you can find the earliest known photos of Persephone ex utero in my photostream.

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Published inFamily


  1. MUCHO CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so, so happy and excited for you guys! The baby is just beautiful. I’m looking forward to more pictures.

    By the way, I know how exhausting the first few months can be, so If you guys find yourselves in need an extra set of hands or someone with two good ankles to do the back-and-forth baby pace, please let me know. I’m one of those wacky people who absolutely loves newborns and those early baby days, (I do miss them!), and it would really be my pleasure to help out.

  2. Anne Daniell Anne Daniell

    hi Bart!

    CONGRATS!!!! So very happy for you and Xy and Persephone! wonderful, wonderful. You are going to love this new adventure, even when it’s hard, hard, hard.

    anyway, i was wondering why you weren’t able to make it to the Morris Jeff School meeting saturday — i see why!

    you will PROBABLY be otherwise occupied, but if you can come to the RSD meeting this Thurs. p.m., taking place at Nelson Elementary, pls. do. Morris Jeff will be one of the schools discussed, and we, concerned bayou st. john & mid-city neighbors are going “en masse” in support of renewing and re-opening the school. meet @ 5:30 in front of Bibleway Church on Orleans & N. Rendon.

    if i don’t see you, i’ll know why! CONGRATS AGAIN!

    anne daniell

  3. P. Jean P. Jean

    Wow! I found this entry on a search for my name and just had to comment seeing as, running across another birth-named Persephone is rare enough but one with the same first AND middle name? Truly unique. 😀 Best wishes to you all! <3

  4. Craig Craig

    Congratulations to all three of you. Bart and Christy on the birth of such a beautiful child, and to Persephone on being born to such creative and caring parents. Midcity now has a Greek Goddess. Les bon temps roulez!

    Blees you all.

  5. Stacy Stacy

    I had a baby on December 21, 2008 and named her Persephone Jean (a combination of her grandmothers’ names), interesting to find that there are others out there, I guess we have good taste.

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