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We left the heater running in the kitchen all night, and it was still 45 degrees in there this morning. Times like these make me wonder if we shouldn’t have installed central heat when we were renovating downstairs. I think we actually had a light freeze last night.

I’m glad I’m not among New Orleans’ estimated twelve thousand homeless.

I wore long johns for the morning ride to work. Why does cold wind bring tears to my eyes? Luckily this cold snap will only last a couple of days.

Published inWeather & Seasons


  1. Lee Lee

    You really can’t stand the cold weather can u b? It’s been in the negatives in your former hometown lately, but it’s supposed to be 45 tomorrow!

    Do you not have any form of heating in your home? Baseboard heating would be a good choice for your home. It would be not as intrusive as other methods, and you could install just where you want to.

  2. Garvey Garvey

    Ah…the joys of under-insulated, under-heated New Orleans construction. I almost miss it.

    Don’t you have any unvented (as opposed to ventless) natural gas space heaters? We had a bunch of those in the last house I lived in there. Nothing like flames and CO to keep you nice and toasty.

  3. You’ll be happy to know we have vented (yes, direct vented) wall furnaces in two rooms at the front of the house. But our kitchen is in the back and it is very cold in the cold weather, and very hot in the hot.

    I do plan to install a great big ventless heater in the main room downstairs.

  4. I have thought about ductless, but I think the real problem is weatherproofing. The kitchen has three window and an exterior door and they’re all drafty as hell. The busted-out window pane probably doesn’t help matters much.

    Thankfully cold weather is a temporary problem here.

  5. rickngentilly rickngentilly

    go with central air and heat if you ever get a chance.

    i have a house built in 1932 with very little insulation. the house was built for the local weather.

    in the summer i keep the a.c. at 82-84 when i’m not home. turn it down to 76-78 when i get home. and than turn it back up to 80 when i go to bed.

    in the winter i keep the heater at 65 when im not home and turn it up to 72 when i get home. i turn it back down before i go to bed.

    for a lot of the winter when it’s mild the heat doesnt get used. its the same with the a.c. in the fall and spring.

    combined with the huge fan i have in the attic like the one you have in your kitchen.

    my bill is lower than any apt. i ever had with window units and space heaters.

    i think the reason is keeping the house in a median range all the time and the plaster walls and the newer e factor of central air and heat units.

    also ceiling fans and a digital thermostat.

    the house is always comfortable. it took time to learn the house but these old houses are almost breathing organic things.

    i guess the real point is my entergy bill is cheaper now and the house is more comfortable than any apt i ever had. even with the higher utility rates.

    with some solar water heat and a little thought i think i can keep it from rising with the rates in the future.

    thanks for the music zip. there’s some bands on there that i have never heard of that i’m looking forward to exploring their other work. always a good thing.

  6. mominem mominem

    We lived in an under construction renovation, with no exterior wall in our bedroom for several years. We used an electric blanket for a long time, when water froze in a bucket in our bedroom we added a kerosene heater. I’d feel lucky we weren’t asphyxiated, except we knew that the visqueen wasn’t nailed down that tight.

  7. MF MF

    Do they sell combination heater/air conditioners in the United States? I mean one where one half us up on the wall in your house, and the other half with the motor and stuff is outside? Maybe that would be a good bet? Mine also has a dehumidifying function, which is great for the summer.

  8. Scottica Scottica

    45 is a bit chilly…I suggest a cast iron wood burnin’ stove, fixed with a bacon fryin’ skillet mounted on the top. You should have 0.5 cords of wood delivered to your home each year delivered from a man in a truck. Store the wood in a pile. Put a tarp on the wood pile. Buy bacon. Burn wood and cook bacon when cold. Save long johns for social outings only.

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