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Panels, Panels, Panels

I’ll be participating in a panel discussion on “Media, Communication and Community: Private and Public Interests in Rebuilding New Orleans” this Wednesday night. It’s sponsored by the Xavier University Communications Department and it’s open to the general public. More info.

Next week, I’ll be moderating a panel discussion on “New Media and Community Activism in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” This is geared toward faculty here at our fine University. I invited five local bloggers to participate and — surprise! — they all said yes. It was difficult to choose five people to represent all the hundreds of New Orleans blogs. If you’re a local blogger reading this and wondering why you weren’t selected, I hasten to assure you that you were next on the list. Honest.

And finally, I’m going to be on a panel sponsored by the New Media Consortium’s Regional Conference in November on a similar topic. It’s called “Digital in the Wild,” a coinage from Alan Guitierrez of Think New Orleans who will also be on the panel along with Chris Reade ( Leadership Council), Ted Cash (Common Ground), and Sandy Rosenthal (

Three panels in four weeks. That’s a lot of paneling.

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Published inGeekyKatrinaNew Orleans


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