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Vacation in the Head

Starting today, I’m on vacation. But I’m not going anywhere. Or perhaps I should say that any trips I take will be inside my own head. The point is I won’t be going to the office for a couple weeks or so. I haven’t had a vacation since campus reopened in January, and frankly I could use one. I need to get my head together. As I remarked to Michael at last night’s planning meeting, my whole life seems to revolve around establishing and breaking routines. I crave the structure of a routine but I also crave the freedom of breaking out when it gets stale. And I’m in a bit of a rut now. So I am taking a long trip to nowhere, going on an extended tour of my own personal headspace. If you don’t hear from me after two weeks, send out a search party.

Published inThe Ed Biz


  1. dental ben dental ben

    me too! but we’re going to Playa Del Carmen…it’s our first “true vacation” since Katrina…the others have all been related to work and no more than 3 nights in one place…not this time 7 nights in the Riveria Maya! We’re going to sort our lives as well…a lot has changed since then…including our ‘future in Louisiana’ which once included buying a home in New Orleans…oh, how life is full of curve balls…happy vacation. Go get a roast beef from Parkway…

  2. I heard some very nice things about you this weekend (from one of Jeremy’s old roommates). It’s makes me more hopeful that we’ll get to come visit.

  3. Scottica Scottica

    You are the joy of Christmas morning, and flying reindeer. You are a Carl Sagan speech wrapped up in a card trick. Wonder is only beatiful because it’s real – you better remember that on your vacation fool!

  4. Roxfan Roxfan

    Hey, B

    That two weeks is up, some of us are jonesin’ out here! Ha Ha

    Thankfully, I have many hours of old J&B on the Rox episodes I recorded in the mid-nineties to get me through this little dry spell.

    Really, I hope you are enjoying your break from a few of life’s many demands


  5. Tony Tony

    Aye. Same here. Missed your posts, but I too am willing to break out of my rut as well. Taking a cruise. Sounds utterly conventional I know giving in to this consumerist escape where portly tourists offload onto well-trodden resorts after having stuffed their faces full of buffet food. Hmmm the more I write this the less eager I am to go now. Well, need a break from the toil and grind anyway. Hope the boat stays afloat.

  6. […] last week. Nope, didn’t leave the Greater New Orleans area. I’m afraid this was another vacation in the head, and as usual it was a soul-shattering experience. I mean that in a good way. I’m back at […]

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