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Today (Thursday) is trash day. Waste Management didn’t pick up our trash last Thursday, or the Thursday before that. The pile is mounting. If they neglect us again today, it will be the third week in a row. I have called them eight or nine times.

Trash Day

I ran into Jay Batt at an MCNO meeting Tuesday, and he told me, “Don’t waste your time calling waste management. If they don’t pick up your trash this Thursday, call my office. I don’t give a shit what district you’re in.” (He’s on the City Council for District A, but we live in District B.)

Also, we haven’t gotten mail at our house for about a week now. Michael told me their mail recently started getting forwarded to Omaha again, for no apparent reason. I need to get to the Post Office and find out what’s up.

And adding to my frustration is all these meetings I’ve been attending lately. Neighborhood meetings, planning meetings, work meetings. I’m meetinged out. And I haven’t even attended a fraction of the number of meetings I feel I should.

Published inNew Orleans


  1. Adrastos Adrastos

    I know what you mean about meetings. The more you go the more frustated you get.

    Btw, we’re having another Council Forum next Tuesday 5/9, 7PM at the Ashe Cultural Center. We’re having District B *and* the At Large candidates.

    Jeez, another day, another meeting.

  2. Way back when (before Noah’s Ark) I worked for the law firm who represented WM.

    Trust me, your hate is less than they deserve.

  3. I’m also into my third week without (Rocheblave) trash pickup, but my pile is not as impressive as yours. I take no pride in this but I have accomplished my lack of trash pickup without a single phone call.

  4. Holy shit — even as I type this, WM is picking up our trash. In the rain. At 5 minutes before 6 pm. After my tenth call to bitch, about an hour ago. I gave the crew a shout-out.

  5. Laureen Laureen

    Oh my god, B., the meetings. I am doing the same with PNOLA. Then each meeting means some task to complete. Most folks living on the sliver don’t have this added duty.
    I spotted WM in the area at 11:00 am today and drove back to get a bag from out of the backyard but it looks like they never made it. Maybe tomorrow.
    Still no mail for me at the facility but I am still trying until my Netflix order gets returned. I can be a naively hopeful gal on a good day. On bad days I have shocked myself by daydreaming about living in the states.
    Congrats on the trash pick-up, thanks for the report.

  6. Joe Joe

    You wouldn’t believe the bureaucracy involved in getting the mail sorting center back up. No, wait. You would.

  7. I was just in your neck of the woods earlier this week and you have no idea how excited we all got when my friends trash was finally picked up on Wednesday. The street was blocked off but we didn’t care, we just drove around for a while and called damn near everyone we knew to share the news. We were told prior to this pickup that trash (and the silly “sorting of trash”) would not be picked up if people were outside, that explained the many drive bys that kept happening. Not sure how leaving trash to rot for long periods of time was any less hazardous than being injured by a trash truck or bobcat.

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