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Power Next Year

Yesterday, after a wait of two weeks, our electrical work passed the city inspection. It’s up to code, and we’re ready to take power.

(Even when we do get powered up, we’ll only have electricity in about half of our upper floor. Sometime later in 2006 we’ll have to get the rest of the house rewired, which will cost around $10,000.)

Today, I called Entergy to schedule the re-establishment of our electrical service. To my surprise, they already had the paperwork. They said we’re scheduled to get “turned on” Monday.

Hooray! But put the cork back in that champagne bottle: The electrical crews are waaaay backed up. We will probably not get power on Monday. In fact, the delay looks more like two weeks from Monday — also known as next year.

So it looks like our Christmas will be illuminated by oil lamps and our New Year will echo with the reverberations of our generator.

Published inKatrinaOur House

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