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Back to School (Again)

Today was the first day of classes at several schools in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans, including Xy’s new school. It’s big news. That’s because these new charter schools — the Algiers Charter Schools Association — are billed as a bold new experiment for the city.

I don’t know quite what to think of the whole charter school concept. They’re essentially public but with some features of private schools. I was initially skeptical because it shuts out the teachers union. But then again, the union has often seemed to be a part of the problem. And insofar as charters decentralize the massive bureaucracy of the New Orleans Public Schools, I’m all for ’em.

Xy says she had a good day, perhaps the best “first” day she’s ever had. Actually it was a half day.

She had 40 students in her room today. One was white, three were Asian (Vietnamese), and 36 were black. She’ll be sharing these kids with another teacher, but that assignment hasn’t been made yet.

They’ll be doing half days for the rest of the year, assessing where the students are at and planning. And then in January they’ll start into a full day program.

Published inLife with XyThe Ed Biz

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